The Finance for Jobs (F4J) project, a Ministry of Finance Project funded by the World Bank and implemented by DAI, is pleased to announce a new ICF call for competitive applications through its Investment Co-Financing Facility (ICF) grant fund that will provide marginal financing for new business investment projects in the targeted investment sectors, such as Agriculture, Agribusinesses/ Food Processing, Tourism, Light Manufacturing, Information & Communication Technology, and Green Technology and Recycling. (Trade, Retail, Real State, and Constructions are not within targeted sectors).
F4J's overarching objective is to mobilize private sector investments and create jobs in the West Bank and Gaza. Interested investors/companies are invited to visit the F4J Website to learn more about the ICF grant eligibility and selection criteria and fill in the application template using the following link:
Applicants can fill in and submit their applications from August 15, 2023, to September 30, 2023. The F4J project will review and process applications on a rolling, first come, first served basis.
Only eligible investment proposals with high potential for delivering social and economic benefits through job creation will be contacted to submit a full detailed business and financial plan for further consideration. Financing of projects will depend on the availability of funds.
Eligibility Criteria for Investment Application:
The project faces external market / institutional challenges that hinder its viability and seems to be commercially sound investment.
The project is likely to have positive social, economic, and environmental impact.
The project investment is in the project targeted investment sectors (trade, retail, real state, and constructions are not within targeted sectors).
The total project investment is at least One Million dollars ($1M) or 200K for a women-owned/led projects.
The new investment is expected to create at least 45 new jobs for investments of One Million dollars, and 10-15 new jobs for women-owned/led businesses of $200,000 investment size.
The investment project will be located in West Bank and or Gaza Strip.
The company is registered in Palestine, have obtained or in the process of obtaining the required licenses and tax compliant, if the company exists.
Selection Criteria for Investment Project:
The extent to which the project addresses a market or institutional failure that jeopardizes the investment to proceed.
The extent to which the project is a commercially sound investment and generates considerable direct new jobs including for women.
The extent to which the project has a multiplier effect on other businesses in the value chain and the broader sector (uses local raw material, creates indirect jobs, and enhances other related businesses).
The extent to which the project is supportive of the Palestinian NDCs and helps mitigate and adapt to climate risks.
The extent to which the project investment is ready for implementation.
The project can be implemented within 12-15 months and becomes operational.
The financing is secured by at least 70% from equity and or debt.
The project has secured or in the final stages of the process of securing licenses, permits and documents to proceed with the investment in less than 3 months.
The extent to which project sponsors/applicants are capable and have a proven track record of strong and transparent management.