ICF Call for Investment Proposals

Finance for Jobs Call for Investment Proposals

Investment Co-Financing Facility

The Finance for Jobs (F4J), a Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation Project funded by the World Bank and implemented by DAI is pleased to announce the opening of a new round of funding opportunities through its Investment Co-Financing Facility (ICF). This grant fund offers financial support to businesses, struggling with economic viability due to market disruptions and political instability. This round of funding focuses on investments in priority sectors, including agriculture, agribusiness/food processing, tourism, light manufacturing, information and communication technology (ICT), green technology, and recycling, with an emphasis on enhancing businesses that supply inputs for related industries and promoting the production of import substitution products. (Trade, Retail, Real Estate, and Construction are excluded).

F4J aims to stimulate private sector investment and create jobs in the West Bank and Gaza. F4J will review and process applications on a first-come, first-served basis, and funding is subject to availability.

To learn more about the eligibility and selection criteria and the application process, please visit our website and fill out the application form before 15/02/2025 using the following link:

  ICF Call for Applications – online application 


ICF Public Informative Virtual Session will be held on Monday 13/01/2025 at 10:00am via teams. kindly confirm your attendance to the session by filling the following link:

Attendance Confirmation

For attending the informative virtual session on Monday 13/01/2025 at 10:00 am. Please join through the following link:

ICF Public Informative Virtual Session

Eligibility Criteria for Investment Application:

  1. The project represents a sound investment, though it faces institutional or external challenges that could hinder its success.
  2. The project is likely to have a positive social, economic, and environmental impact.The total project investment is at least one million dollars ($1M) or 200K for women-owned/led projects*.
  3. Job opportunities:

a. For one-million-dollar investments: it is expected to create at least 45 new jobs per investments.

b. Women-owned/led projects: at least 10-15 new jobs.  

4. The company is registered and located in Palestine, and if it exists, has obtained or is in the process of obtaining the required licenses and is tax compliant. For completely new investments, primary approval from the competent authorities must be provided.

5. The Proposed investment projects must fall within the economic sectors targeted by the project: agriculture, agribusiness/food processing, tourism, light manufacturing, information and communication technology (ICT), green technology, and recycling; excluding the sectors of trade, real estate, and construction.

6. The location of the investment project must be in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip.


Selection Criteria for Investment Project:

1. The extent to which the project’s grant will contribute to overcoming market or institutional failure that jeopardizes the investment to proceed.

2. The project demonstrates commercial viability and is expected to generate significant direct employment opportunities, with a strong focus on including women in the workforce.

3. The extent to which the project has a multiplier effect on other businesses in the value chain and the broader sector (uses local raw material, creates indirect jobs, and enhances other related businesses).

4. The extent to which the project is supportive of the Palestinian Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and helps mitigate and adapt to climate risks.

5. The extent to which the project investment is ready for implementation:

a. The project can be implemented and become operational within 12-15 months. 

b. The financing is secured by at least 70% from private capital (equity and/or debt).

c. The project has secured or is in the final stages of the process of securing licenses, permits, and documents to proceed with the investment in less than 3 months.

6. The project sponsors/applicants demonstrate strong capability and a proven track record of effective, transparent management.





* A women-owned/led (female-owned/led) business is defined as:

1. > 50% owned by a woman/women; Or 
2. ≥ 20% owned by a woman/women, and fulfil the following two criteria:
        a. has ≥ 1 woman as CEO/COO (President/Vice-President); and
        b. has ≥ 30% of the board of directors comprised of women, where a board exists